Si no sabias, llevo años escribiendo mi aclamado blog "LET'S TALK BASKETBALL" , lo puedes conseguir aqui o en Myspace, asi de viejo son mis analisis cada año antes de comenzar la temporada...No me pregunten nada de lo que hacen o dejen de hacer en los 8 meses que estan en el extranjero, pq la verdad, es que ni puta idea. No pq no quiera, si no que no tengo el mismo acceso, y pues la horas, y mil problemas!!! Anyway, aqui vamos... Y hay por supuesto aclarar que lo mio es siempre muy divertido, aqui no hay reglas, ni patrocinio, ni favoritismo, aqui se lleva quien sea el aguacero y lo digo bien fresca con mi cara de lechuga!! XD
Bueno vamos a comenzar con las agentes libres...
We have Sue Bird, Alana Beard, Ticha Penicheiro, Candice Parker, Michelle Snow, Tanisha Wright... I mean seriously, this year we have A GREATTTTT GROUP of free agents, restricted and unrestricted, I saw Ketia Swanier, Candice Wiggins on the list too, is unbelievable, so many talented players... only 11 spots, and just 12 teams, competition just got bigger and harder.
Team making cuts, team making trades from left to right, and we still have to wait for the Draft... I mean, is crazy!! First free agent that everybody keeps talking about is Sue Bird... I know everybody wish, and want her to sign with Phoenix... LOL But, would she leave Seattle? MMM Yo no creo que ella vaya a dejar un equipo donde ella es la estrella a seguir, para irse a la sombre de DT... No creo, pero cuando hay deseo de ganar un campeonato, y estar en un equipo donde la mejor jugadora del mundo esta disponible, y es tu BFF, pues sabemos poner egos a un lado y lograr esa meta... Veremos a ver!!!
Alana Beard, to tell the truth and I don't mean to be rude or offend noone, I forgot how she plays or if she is any good... Seriously, when was the last time she played??? Washington has missed many years of opportunities by keeping her, and I think this is the year they need to let her go. IF I was Alana, I will like to sign with a team where I can come from the bench, get my game back 100%, get healthy, get comfortable, and just relax, let the game come to me, it's been years, since the last time she played, she is not the same, she don't need the stress, she needs to go to a team, where she has a different role and there is no stress of caring a team on her shoulder. Like Phoenix will be a good fit, or NY, or Seattle, or ATL. They already have a main player, tienen un cuadro regular, y ella seria un remplazo perfecto. I don't mean to be rude, or cruel, I'm just saying, going back to WASH ppl are going to be expecting her to caring the team, and that's when injuries come... so, sign with another team mija!!! LMAO But not Tulsa, cuz they might want you to be the star, and you don't need that at this moment!! Take your time, get back and thennnnnn show the world You are ready to be a starter.
Now, Phoenix Mercury...They have the best basketball player in the Women's game... I'm not saying this just because I love Diana Taurasi, and she is my idol, I'm just been a realistic person. She is good, is like me saying MAYA MOORE Is damn good, and she will never be DIANA, But I believe if she wants she can be much better. PLAIN AND SIMPLE!!! One thing is been a fan, another is been realistic, they girl has talent! Anyway, Phoenix... We have DT, also PT, and CD... we traded the PG (Johnson) for Riley, we have not a real center, and the bench pretty much SUCKS, with the exception of couple players, like Ketia , which I really believe can get a starting position, if she is more consistent and get more out of her shell, she is fast, can pass, she can shoot, she just need to shoot more, be less scared! Anyway, they have, Ferdinand which is a free agent... and that was it!!! LMAO So... looking at the free agents list, and the roster, they need a Center... PG, yes and no... like I said, if Ketia is giving more time, and more training with the core players, I think she will fit... But who knows... anyway. If they want to slow down now, because they are getting "old" XD, well then we have TICHA!!! Which is a great PG and great fit...but a Center... you guys better throw some money to Parker, cuz seriously, PHX has no true center, and CD is a 4!!!! Silvia!!! She played with DT before!! Put some money on the table!! lmao I'M JUST SAYING!!!! NADIE ME PAGA POR ESTO, ES SOLO MI OPINION!! GRACIAS A DIOS POR LA CONSTITUCION AMERICANA!!!
Now, SASS EHHH Me han desmantelado al equipo, ahahahahahah todas son agentes libres! LMAO Ay padre, bueno they need a CENTER, PG, 3,4, BENCH... AY PADRE PERO Q MESS! LMAO Ketia para las SASS, o Ticha... Y de centro? una Crystal Langhorne nos vendria muy bien, o Anosiky...mmmm Es que hay muchas jugadoras buenas!!!! En serio...
Washington, I guess if everybody leave, they will have a brand new team! LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO OH well, I will do a clean up on that team if I was the Owner, sometimes U have to start from zero to get to where you really want to... so, if cutting everybody and make a new team is the best option, don't be scared and take some risks, you will never know until you try it!!!!
Who else I like, Seattle OF COURSE!!! well, we all know LJ no jugara la primera parte de la temporada, pq quiere entrenar con su equipo olimpico, este año quiere ganar, pq es un tipo de venganza... ahahahahahah XD Es broma, es broma!!! Cambiaron a Swin Cash, y por algo fue, y cuando veo nombres como FOWLES, ANOSIKY, LANGHORNE, PARKER, CARSON EN LA LISTA DE FREE AGENTS, ES PQ ALGO ELLOS VIERON TAMBN!! So, a alguien grande quieren firmar... veremos a ver a quien!!!
LA... LISA LESLIE, She better do something, lol along with Penny ahahahaha jk jk Parker, she needs some help, they have the 1st pick, and I hope and pray they are smart about it and pick the best player out of college, we don't want just a fit for the team, we want the best, why? because the best will get you there, the best will be there when ur older player get injured or leave! so, hay que pensar para ganar, y hay q pensar un poco mas alla.
Chicago...Bueno, pues tienen a Cash, pero si se les va Young or Fowles, pues entonces el avance no fue ninguno!!! ahahahahahahahahaha So, esperemos que el equipo se quede con sus jugadoras y que la adicion de Cash, les de un mejor balance y mejor oportunidad de llegar a los playoffs y quizas en un futuro a la final.
ATL... Con la McMenu, que pase la bola es lo que tiene q hacer carajo!!
Tulsa...Oraremos por ti.
New York... entre una con la musica y la otra con la moda, bueno pues... lo que tenemos es tremendo espectaculo! ahahahahahahahah
Indiana... Si se queda igual, a la final llegan!
Minn... Los veo repitiendo campeonato! AHHAHAHAH
Conn... Sin comentarios... LOL
Y ya, me voy que me canse, lo mio es por rato!!
Here is the WNBA list of Free Agents
"A helping word to one in trouble is often like a switch on a railroad track... an inch between wreck and smooth, rolling prosperity" -- Henry Ward I'm scared, we are all scared, if we are not scared we are not paying attention...
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 2, 2012
I guess we started the new year with a lot of commotion due to the traded that happened between Chicago Sky and Seattle Storm. For some people that could have been the dumbest move that Seattle did but for other people like Chicago it could be the smartest move they could made, is all depends which angle you are looking at this trade. The Seattle Storm trade Swin Cash and Le' Coe and #23 pick for the #2 draft... trust me, I don't think Coach Angler just wanted to get #2 pick on the draft...there most me something else cooking on that BBQ but it won't be ready until the summer, which is fine!! I like surprises. =)
The waiting now is on where Sue Bird will be signing, which team will be the luckiest to have the dominant, smartest and reliable point guard on the league. I think Seattle is the perfect fit for it, she is already the queen of the team and town, she has Lauren Jackson in her team, which they know each other very well and their chemistry is pretty solid on both ends. But there is also teams like New York Liberty or Connecticut Sun on which she could served as a lot of help. I was just joking with one of my followers on Twitter about having her on San Antonio Silver Stars, it would be great because Becky Hammon would finally have a pretty solid Point Guard, which will know exactly how and when to get her the ball, it could be a great combo in my opinion, but is just an opinion a very far from becoming real. Then I thought Phoenix Mercury, her Best Friend is there... Diana Taurasi! Plus the two has a great chemistry on and off the court, which could help the team a little bit. That would be a dream team, because they already have Taurasi, Taylor...then we are waiting on Dupree. If they can get DT,PT,CD and Sue on the same team... UFFF the whole league should be prepare and feel a little fear. But, is all a big own opinion...Plus I see it through the years, and in many different teams, on which there are so many good stars and for some reason they can't all make it work and they can't get the championship at the end.
Well, I can only say I'm excited and anxious to see what season 16 of the WNBA has to bring!! With Rookies like Stanford forward Nnemkadi Ogwumike (considered the probable No. 1 pick), Glory Johnson and Shekinna Stricklen from Tennessee, Connecticut guard Tiffany Hayes, Ohio State’s Samantha Prahalis and Miami’s duo of Shenise Johnson and Riquna Williams. Let's see who will be #2, and then who else Coach Angler has on his sight...
The waiting now is on where Sue Bird will be signing, which team will be the luckiest to have the dominant, smartest and reliable point guard on the league. I think Seattle is the perfect fit for it, she is already the queen of the team and town, she has Lauren Jackson in her team, which they know each other very well and their chemistry is pretty solid on both ends. But there is also teams like New York Liberty or Connecticut Sun on which she could served as a lot of help. I was just joking with one of my followers on Twitter about having her on San Antonio Silver Stars, it would be great because Becky Hammon would finally have a pretty solid Point Guard, which will know exactly how and when to get her the ball, it could be a great combo in my opinion, but is just an opinion a very far from becoming real. Then I thought Phoenix Mercury, her Best Friend is there... Diana Taurasi! Plus the two has a great chemistry on and off the court, which could help the team a little bit. That would be a dream team, because they already have Taurasi, Taylor...then we are waiting on Dupree. If they can get DT,PT,CD and Sue on the same team... UFFF the whole league should be prepare and feel a little fear. But, is all a big own opinion...Plus I see it through the years, and in many different teams, on which there are so many good stars and for some reason they can't all make it work and they can't get the championship at the end.
Well, I can only say I'm excited and anxious to see what season 16 of the WNBA has to bring!! With Rookies like Stanford forward Nnemkadi Ogwumike (considered the probable No. 1 pick), Glory Johnson and Shekinna Stricklen from Tennessee, Connecticut guard Tiffany Hayes, Ohio State’s Samantha Prahalis and Miami’s duo of Shenise Johnson and Riquna Williams. Let's see who will be #2, and then who else Coach Angler has on his sight...
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