Tuesday, December 17, 2013

New Moon

You ask you receive! You pray, you believe! You have faith... You must believe! I ask for many things, some are answered others are not, but is because all depends on how much faith I have on it... 
Here i am... Just asking God to let my life to be greater, but it is good already! Because I have more than what I can ask. I had so many blessings on my life, i lost the count. I can only say Thank you Jesus, for the love and your mercy! 

Sunday, September 8, 2013


So many fears... So many struggles! I have the tendency of hiding my feelings behind a crooked smile and couple jokes. I pretend to be untouchable and strong... But I go to bed feeling scared... I'm scared of failing, i'm scared of being a disappointment... I have 2 siblings, and I keep thinking on how I can be so they look at me as their role model. 
Ha! I'm not perfect, never will! I'm a pain in the ass and i get excited over silly things! I have never create master plan for Life and I hate rules. I liveeveryday without   any true purpose. I wake up, shower, eat, go to school and watch tv... Is always the same. From time to time it hits me... dude, I really need a plan, a goal of life, a passion, something. 
And here is where I freak out... 29 and I am here in Puerto Rico. Can I close my eyes and tell you where I see myself in 5 years? NO! Can't even imagine in 6 months. Pathetic!!! 
I haven't made plans lately bc Life have been mean to be when I try to come up with a plan. So i try my best to not pissed them off... Try my best to just live one day at a time. 
I made plans once and I ended with 3 surgeries on my knee, a fucked up disk on my back and a nerve pinched. I ended having nightmares and I ended mad at God. So No, i dont do plans because I FEAR God will send something bad my way... Is funny how they say U r free... but the moment you turn your back at God something Bad happens... This means we are not free! But anyway... I Thank Him! And let's just think everything happens for a reason. 29 years later ... And we still dont know those reasons. 

FEAR to disappoint my Father... HA! So freaking Funny... How many times he disappointed me? MANY TIMES... And here I am still trying to do right. What if Right means to do whatever is wrong right? Got you... U read that twice. Is ok!!
U want him to say Good girl, but he never did, he never will and Is ok! I love my father dont get me wrong! Is just different... 
Fear of feeling inadequate! Ha! Aint that a bitch! 
Life... Is full of surprises, fears, disappointments, laughs, cries, and journeys... Dont let a fool get you to fear yourself to the point where You don't even know where you can turn when something goes wrong! 


Sunday, July 28, 2013

From My point of view

This is my opinion... And I have to say A LOT of people agreed with it! But to me Diana Lorena Taurasi ... And I added "Del Mar" on my own, is the best as a right now in the WNBA and in the entire world of basketball. What she does outside the court is her private life and I really don't care... Not because I won't, is because she is a human being and that's private... I actually feel kinda sad for her, because I bet she has to hide many things. But whatever that's not why I want to write today.   I want to put an emphasis on this ... Diana Taurasi as the best player in the whole world is representing 2 type of people or communities... First she is representing every European with a dream to be greater... She is representing every Latina with a dream of being the best.  Like it or not that's who she is... She is an Italian/ Argentina ( and I pronounced it in español)... She represents every 4 years the USA, yes! She was born in the USA, but the same thing I have of American Citizen she does too... She was blessed to get the american citizen because she was born in the USA (California to be more specific)... Fine, is the same as me been an american citizen because I had the blessed to be  born in Puerto Rico, which is part of the USA and I automatically got it.  She represents me, she represents any woman, kid, male, baby who has a basketball dream that speaks español, or that is in Europa. Now you have someone as powerful as DT to look up in the court.  
I had the opportunity to play in Asia with the USAF, i was talking to this ref and I asked him, who is your favorite player to watch playing, he started to laughed and said "Diana Taurasi... Is always so comical to see her playing, plus she is the best in the whole world"... He was a ref from Europe and Asia, that was his job for living.  Everybody loves DT... Of course, some people "hate" her... But what do you hate? Her game? Her ability to don't give a fuck, and just give her 100% and a little bit of extra passion? Tell me what has she done wrong for u to hate her? She is too cocky? Or too confident and that will put your weak ass confidence down? 
Or do you hate the fact a Latina/Italian is kicking everybody's ass in the court. We all know we are taking over... She did her part... Like it or not her name will always be remember! She get a lot of techs, yes! And that's a player who speak out her mind and state her concern... One thing is she is not scared. 
So, to refresh your mind, keep this in mind... Your Number 1 in the whole world... Speaks spanish, speaks italian, a little bit of russian and her heritage are the minority race... So to someone who wants to tell the world that as a latino or European or even as minority you can't get far in life, i will suggest you take a look at Diana Taurasi's game and believe that with hard work and effort everything is possible. 
To my americans haters... Your Number 1 is Diana Taurasi, her dad is italian, her mother is Argentina. your number two is??? Maybe Candace Parker or maybe, Maya Moore. This just prove one thing... WE ARE TAKING OVER... While you sleep, while you go party, there is this chica on the court, busting her ass, taking over, and her name is DIANA TAURASI! No olvides añadirle... DEL MAR! ;) 

Dindy11 aka MS WORLDWIDE

Saturday, July 27, 2013


Sometimes Life can be a little bitchy, sometimes life can be a little way too much. I ask God to guide me through life, and sometimes I ask Him to let me just walk. 
I haven't been that good, I'm not a saint, but at least I make mistakes and I try to learn from them. 

Mistakes, misunderstandings, tears, joy, falls, lies, happiness, cries, everything is ok as long you understand is part of the life. 

A lot of us go through life walking without a direction, others never leave the lanes. Many of us wake up thinking something will come and will change. Others just live a life but don't feel alive. 

Life can be a bitch, just make sure you don't get too emotional. Life can be a rollercoaster and drop ur ass with no warning. Life can be a book and you can be the writer. Life can be many things but is only up to you what you make of it. Life can be good, bad and ugly... Just make sure you learn from it. Life can be your bitch, you fuck it hard, but she will make you sick. Life is karma... Everything you do will come around and if you were a jerk it will make you her bitch! 

Life is life... No explanation to it.