Hey guys,
Even though I have a lot to do this week and the next, I felt the need of writing about this situation I was on this week. Like you guys know, I'm a nursing student...not to be cocky but turned to be I'm pretty good at what I do. Well, at least my grades shows that.
Here I am on a Tuesday morning, about to take this practice test for maternity class, and there is another student from another class that needs to take another writing test with my professor too. She started her test, and the professor trusted her enough to leave her around us, and went to the back of the classroom to grade another student, leaving this person unattended. First she is leaving her unattended because she trusted this student and us to behave and never cheat. Second, I guess she trust the fact that the student called herself a "christian", she goes to school with her long skirt and always taking about God and blah blah blah... Let's make one thing clear... I don't have a problem with Christianity.., I love God, and I trust his word and that's MY OPINION. So, here is what blew my mind and really pissed me off. I caught this girl cheating, first she take a paper out of her purse and just started to answering the test, then here comes another couple who claimed to be Christians and started to tell her the answers she couldn't find in her papers. So, here I am watching this and thinking HOW THE HELL they called themselves christians and how they go around telling people they are sinners and throwing them freaking verses of the Bible.
I was so mad, that I waited for her to finish... I confronted her and asked her who is the bigger sinner, the person who steals or she for cheating on a test... Of course, she gets all sensitive, because I noticed christians love to point what we do "wrong" but you can't tell them... I guess we have something in common people, we like to be always right. Ain't that the truth!!! AMEN!
So... after she alleged that I was been disrespectful to her, I decided to change my question... "Who is the bigger sinner... me for being gay or you for cheating on the test?" I never got the answer because she left, I screamed at her how bad it was and how it feels now, that she wasn't any better than me.
Here comes the best part... when people started to give opinions, and trust me I love debates and I love when we can express ourselves. Of course all the christians went crazy, and asked me HOW COULD YOU!!!! Haaaa... I have to laugh... I wasn't trying to bully anyone, I just had a valid question and I needed answers to understand their beliefs. Some people, and by that I mean CHRISTIANS told me that CHEATING is not a sin, that isn't bad, that God doesn't like it but wasn't a sin per se. Who understands them? Not me of course.
I asked people who DON'T go regularly to church, what they thought about this... Of course we think and analyze and don't become fanatics of our beliefs, every single person answered the same... CHEATING IS A SIN! CHEATING IS WRONG... Here is why: 1. you are stealing someone's else knowledge. 2. You are being dishonest. 3. No integrity. 4. You are lying (the job is not yours and you are making us believe it is). I can keep going on and I will never finish. Most important though, is the fact you are been hypocrite. Nobody is going to trust a cheater. How can you go around telling people, like gays, like someone who kills, someone who use drugs, someone who is in steroids to enhance her/his performance, that they are wrong and you are right. Did you know that SINS don't have a measurement? Right? It's not like you can say this one is little, and you that kill or beat up your wife have a bigger one. You my friend are a regular sinner just like you call me.
So... to those who get offended and call me a bully for telling the truth to your face, to expose the lies and the hypocrisy of so called christians. How easy is for you to point out my lesbianism, but I can't point the fact that you are a fucking cheater. Yes is a sin, I believe God said NO STEALING in the Bible, and you are doing that... you are stealing someone's else KNOWLEDGE.
Well, that's all for today! Remember if you going to preach about sins, and what's good or bad... remember yourself first... I'm a sinner... maybe... I am Gay BUT at least I have integrity, I'm honest, I don't steal, and I don't lie about me being so perfect, and I don't pretend to be one!
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