Hey guys,
Even though I have a lot to do this week and the next, I felt the need of writing about this situation I was on this week. Like you guys know, I'm a nursing student...not to be cocky but turned to be I'm pretty good at what I do. Well, at least my grades shows that.
Here I am on a Tuesday morning, about to take this practice test for maternity class, and there is another student from another class that needs to take another writing test with my professor too. She started her test, and the professor trusted her enough to leave her around us, and went to the back of the classroom to grade another student, leaving this person unattended. First she is leaving her unattended because she trusted this student and us to behave and never cheat. Second, I guess she trust the fact that the student called herself a "christian", she goes to school with her long skirt and always taking about God and blah blah blah... Let's make one thing clear... I don't have a problem with Christianity.., I love God, and I trust his word and that's MY OPINION. So, here is what blew my mind and really pissed me off. I caught this girl cheating, first she take a paper out of her purse and just started to answering the test, then here comes another couple who claimed to be Christians and started to tell her the answers she couldn't find in her papers. So, here I am watching this and thinking HOW THE HELL they called themselves christians and how they go around telling people they are sinners and throwing them freaking verses of the Bible.
I was so mad, that I waited for her to finish... I confronted her and asked her who is the bigger sinner, the person who steals or she for cheating on a test... Of course, she gets all sensitive, because I noticed christians love to point what we do "wrong" but you can't tell them... I guess we have something in common people, we like to be always right. Ain't that the truth!!! AMEN!
So... after she alleged that I was been disrespectful to her, I decided to change my question... "Who is the bigger sinner... me for being gay or you for cheating on the test?" I never got the answer because she left, I screamed at her how bad it was and how it feels now, that she wasn't any better than me.
Here comes the best part... when people started to give opinions, and trust me I love debates and I love when we can express ourselves. Of course all the christians went crazy, and asked me HOW COULD YOU!!!! Haaaa... I have to laugh... I wasn't trying to bully anyone, I just had a valid question and I needed answers to understand their beliefs. Some people, and by that I mean CHRISTIANS told me that CHEATING is not a sin, that isn't bad, that God doesn't like it but wasn't a sin per se. Who understands them? Not me of course.
I asked people who DON'T go regularly to church, what they thought about this... Of course we think and analyze and don't become fanatics of our beliefs, every single person answered the same... CHEATING IS A SIN! CHEATING IS WRONG... Here is why: 1. you are stealing someone's else knowledge. 2. You are being dishonest. 3. No integrity. 4. You are lying (the job is not yours and you are making us believe it is). I can keep going on and I will never finish. Most important though, is the fact you are been hypocrite. Nobody is going to trust a cheater. How can you go around telling people, like gays, like someone who kills, someone who use drugs, someone who is in steroids to enhance her/his performance, that they are wrong and you are right. Did you know that SINS don't have a measurement? Right? It's not like you can say this one is little, and you that kill or beat up your wife have a bigger one. You my friend are a regular sinner just like you call me.
So... to those who get offended and call me a bully for telling the truth to your face, to expose the lies and the hypocrisy of so called christians. How easy is for you to point out my lesbianism, but I can't point the fact that you are a fucking cheater. Yes is a sin, I believe God said NO STEALING in the Bible, and you are doing that... you are stealing someone's else KNOWLEDGE.
Well, that's all for today! Remember if you going to preach about sins, and what's good or bad... remember yourself first... I'm a sinner... maybe... I am Gay BUT at least I have integrity, I'm honest, I don't steal, and I don't lie about me being so perfect, and I don't pretend to be one!
your favorite blogger,
My Life, MI VIDA...
"A helping word to one in trouble is often like a switch on a railroad track... an inch between wreck and smooth, rolling prosperity" -- Henry Ward I'm scared, we are all scared, if we are not scared we are not paying attention...
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Relatos de mi amiga anonima 2
He aqui les dejo otro corto relato de mi amiga anonima:
El hoy, el hoy no tiene tiempo pero ya mañana llego. El hoy es el pasado que nunca acaba, por eso debes hacer lo que siempre prometistes. El hoy detesta el futuro y su obstinado percance. El hoy es un traicionero para los que no esperan la muerte . El hoy es un infarto en la memoria de mi espasmo. El hoy es un silbato hueco, un suspiro de musica en mis dedos . El hoy es lo que ya no tengo, lo que por oidos lleva misterios. El hoy es la culpa del prisionero, la vengaza del herido. El hoy es peor que ayer y mas caotico que el dia despues . Es hoy cuando entras en guerra con tus sueños es hoy cuando te das por vencido y lo logras. Es hoy cuando te moritifican tus promesas, es hoy cuando cobran tus deudas. El hoy no es un escape es un gran vacio del cual no hay salida del cual no hay una victoria.
Monday, August 18, 2014
Relatos de mi amiga anonima
He aqui un poquito de escritura de mi amiga anonima quien no se atreve a dar cara, pero yo la promuevo porque para mi escribe hermoso... Aqui les dejo...
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Like everybody knows... I'm a lesbian. If you don't know, then "SURPRISE!!!!". So, today we will be talking about "marriage". I'm a little terrified by that word, concept or whatever you called it. I'd always been against marriage, I saw it as a way of losing my freedom.
So, for many years I was a happy lesbian. Didn't have to worried about someone dropping on one knee and say "Will you marry me?" or "Would you like to spend the rest of your life with me?"... Trust me I was happy and ok to know that I was a lesbian ,and I could do whatever I want. I don't like this one, so you get over and find a new one... Now we have to involve marriage into this life. Don't get me wrong... I'm very happy when people get married, but I do have a little "inquietud".
I was actually 4 years old when this crazy song came to Puerto Rico, in which talked about "Echa pa' lla Viejo demonio, no me gusta el matrimonio"... if we have to translate for some of you, it talks about this woman who is telling this man to get away from her, because she doesn't like marriage... I was only 4, who would say that I actually grew up loving this song and living to this expectations. After all, I am a lesbian. But here is the point we have to look... At the age of 4 I'm saying NO to marriage, and here I am at the age of 30 saying NO to marriage. It has nothing to do with sexuality... it's just me not liking it.
Good luck to all those who are getting married... I'm happy we get to do the same as straight people, because that's what we called EQUALITY. Just don't expect meeeeeeeeeeeeee to be the one getting marry anytime soon. Maybe later... maybe in 10 years, I get to tell people "Guess what? I'm married and I have 2 beautiful kids." For now? well, right now I want to live my life, be happy and met a ton of women!
I'm terrified of losing my freedom, I'm terrified of getting tired of someone and not been able to say "You know we are done!" when I have to worried about legal fees... Oh My God... more legal fees, more lawyers, more people taking what's mine. So... for those who feel or think like me, if you are close to your 10 years anniversary and you still wonder if she/he is the one... RUN! You might not want to lose half of your stuff just because she/he can't take a "We are done" for an answer!!!!!!!!!!!!
ATT. Dindy (The jerk... I know you are thinking that now)
So, for many years I was a happy lesbian. Didn't have to worried about someone dropping on one knee and say "Will you marry me?" or "Would you like to spend the rest of your life with me?"... Trust me I was happy and ok to know that I was a lesbian ,and I could do whatever I want. I don't like this one, so you get over and find a new one... Now we have to involve marriage into this life. Don't get me wrong... I'm very happy when people get married, but I do have a little "inquietud".
I was actually 4 years old when this crazy song came to Puerto Rico, in which talked about "Echa pa' lla Viejo demonio, no me gusta el matrimonio"... if we have to translate for some of you, it talks about this woman who is telling this man to get away from her, because she doesn't like marriage... I was only 4, who would say that I actually grew up loving this song and living to this expectations. After all, I am a lesbian. But here is the point we have to look... At the age of 4 I'm saying NO to marriage, and here I am at the age of 30 saying NO to marriage. It has nothing to do with sexuality... it's just me not liking it.
Good luck to all those who are getting married... I'm happy we get to do the same as straight people, because that's what we called EQUALITY. Just don't expect meeeeeeeeeeeeee to be the one getting marry anytime soon. Maybe later... maybe in 10 years, I get to tell people "Guess what? I'm married and I have 2 beautiful kids." For now? well, right now I want to live my life, be happy and met a ton of women!
I'm terrified of losing my freedom, I'm terrified of getting tired of someone and not been able to say "You know we are done!" when I have to worried about legal fees... Oh My God... more legal fees, more lawyers, more people taking what's mine. So... for those who feel or think like me, if you are close to your 10 years anniversary and you still wonder if she/he is the one... RUN! You might not want to lose half of your stuff just because she/he can't take a "We are done" for an answer!!!!!!!!!!!!
ATT. Dindy (The jerk... I know you are thinking that now)
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Coming back home
I hated it...
I can't stand been here with them.
Oh my God, how much I hate it!
Reality slapped me on my face...
Damn, that really hurts!
I just hate this environment...
I hate everything is here.
I want to go back...
"Where do you want to go, Dindy?", i asked.
Who knows... I just felt so much better when I was far away from here, and there was nothing I have to be worried.
I need this...
I need this...
I told myself silly things.
Only God knows why i'm here, but please God as soon you are done, please take me out of here.
Att. dindy
Monday, August 4, 2014
In my own words
In my own words…
It’s funny how I’m
supposed to write something for my reading group. Here I am thinking, “What’s going to be?” I
have a lot of anger, too much inside my head, but a little knowledge on how to
present the ideas. It’s easy to say, hard to do…then this language and culture
barrier can be very tricky. I’m not
scared, though.
It's been years since the last time you landed your
hands on me. I still remember that day... it was a Friday afternoon in
Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. You arrived knocking on the door like I was one of
your suspects, and you were ready to make an arrest. Couple years later, I
understood that you guys tend to knock on the door that way every day, after I
started to date my girlfriend Ann. The irony…she is a cop just like you. You grabbed me by my neck and told me you’ll
kill me. I couldn't breathe for couple seconds, I got scared. In
the meanwhile mom just stood there... I think that hurts me even more that
day. Here is a big six foot tall, two
hundred sixty pounds man grabbing a five- four foot girl by the neck, pulling
her up and while he is pulling he is punching her at the same time. I’m trying to get your hands off me, but you
are too strong for me. Addition to that
you have police training that I don’t have at that time. Mom is not saying anything because we are all
scared of you. Just like I’m fearing for
my life at this moment, I know she is too, but she is powerless. She has been
her whole life, so how can she save me?
Don’t get me wrong! I love my mom to death, she is
My Everything.
At that
moment I’m asking myself what I did so bad that you come to my house and
threated my life. What I did to you to hate me so much. That hurt me forever
because at that point I was only nineteen years old. It’s been eleven years
since that incident, and I tried every day to forgive you, but I can’t forget,
and when I can’t forget and I think about it…sometimes in my darkest moments I wish
you’ve kill me that day.
Instead of “Hello”,
I only heard you say "You better break up with her". You were
furious, because I was dating a girl. You have always say you don't have
a "gay daughter", you have always been ashamed of myself. I
can't control my emotions, I can't change who I am. In my thirty years of
life, I have been nothing but obedient, responsible, a grown up when I was
actually a teenager. I heard how you talked about our cousins and uncles, so I
stayed out of trouble, no drugs, and no parties, nothing that a normal teenager
would do, because I wanted your approval. I served my Country for 8 years, and
while I did that I got hurt and couldn’t finish the 20 years like you wanted me
to do. I got medical discharged and to you that was a disappointment, but to me
it was hurtful, but not only because I couldn’t met your expectations, also
because every day when I look at myself in the mirror I see failure, even more
when I see my scars and even when I look at my knee.
I always
felt like I wasn’t good enough for you. I finished my bachelor degree while I
was in Active Duty. Now that I look
back, I did my major in Criminal Justice just like you did. I always do
things the right way, because I want to set an example for my brother and
sister, but in the back on my head I’m doing things because I want your
approval. I believe in GOD, I have a lot of faith, I have integrity,
and I have decent friends. I have always try to impress you, and today I
asked myself, “WHY IN THE HELL, DO I NEED YOUR APPROVAL?” I don't need
your OK. I don't need your partial love. I don't need you to be proud. I only
need to cut those chains that are holding me back, and that are getting the
best of me, and to tear them down and
love you for who you are, but I don’t need to live your life, because you
already have one. You are the reason of my anger, you are my trigger to this
feeling of rejection, failure and rage. Maybe one I will be able to forgive
you, and say “Is ok, Dad! It was tough love. Shit happens.”
One thing, I’m sure is that I will never be the
same, you have left wounds in my life, and you have scar me forever. Your
words are like knives, your hands are like blocks... You have damaged me
forever... I can only fix myself to the point I can make it all work again, but
I will never be new again.
I hate you, I love you, I miss you... You are my
dad, and I can only say I wish you the best, and if you ever decided to accept
me and hopefully understand that I'm still that same daughter God gave you 30
years ago, and understand that my sexuality is just a part of me, but who I am
is so much than just that, then I will be here waiting for you.
att. Dindy
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