Sunday, February 26, 2012

If we are not scared, we are not paying attention!

Everybody is scared... we all have fears.  Those who are not scared of anything, are the ones who are not paying any attention to life.  They are not learning, they are not looking around, they will grow older and look back and think "WHAT THE HECK I DID WITH MY LIFE?" 
Is ok to have fears, is ok to be scared, but the point is to be scared for the things that are actually scary and over come them.  Once we overcome our fears we learn something, we recognized our power, we recognized our limits, we challenged ourselves to be greaters.  Our mind is a power instrument, it can help us or it can destroy us... Who much power and how much control you give the mind is up to you.  Don't let the mind defined your fears, and don't let the fears defined you.  Fears is just another way for God to challenged ourselves, He want the best of us, and when the fears are presented is time to show who strong we are and how smart we are.

We are paying attention, we are learning.  Life is a school, God is our teacher and we are the students... Fears are there to keep you awake, not to control you.



I thought the good part of life had started, but I guess I was wrong. It's been a pretty rough couple months, and sometimes I feel I'm drowning on my own life.  I tried to do different things, I looked up for help, I talked to people, I did everything I was supposed to do, and still everything is a mess.  One wave after another and everything I go for air another wave hit me and push me even more further down.  I thought about giving up, and I think about it everyday.  I will have to admit that it is scary, and I think about my family.  I have a brother who will be devastate and I have a sister who will never forgive me.  So, here I am... Trying so hard not to be selfish.  I lost respect for life, I lost respect for myself, I'm not the same and I will never be.  Something happened, long time ago... I'm not allowed to talk about it, but it did happened and now I'm not in the right place. 
I'm always angry, I'm always running, but every time I look back, there is and I can't get rid of it.

Tears, nights when I haven't close my eyes, anger, madness... all have run me over and each time take a piece of what was left of me. 

When I thought this was over, I realized it was just the beginning of another hits of waves and I asked myself, ARE YOU READY? 
I haven't answer the question, I haven't think about it...but I know one thing, I WILL BE PUSH AROUND, I WILL GET HURT, I WILL BLEED, I WILL CRY, I WILL SCREAM, AND THROUGH THE PAIN I WILL ALWAYS KNOW I'M STILL HERE...
