Friday, December 16, 2011

A friend on you, I found...

I might be not perfect, I might not be educated, i might be a little unconscious, I might be a little rude, but one thing I'm sure, and that is that I will always tell you the truth. I don't have many friends, but to tell you the truth that's ok. I might be loud, is OK in my country that is allow. I might be different, I might be difficult, I might be a bitch... But there is one thing clear and that is that no matter what I never stop be me. You can hate me, you can think I'm a stuck up bitch and u know what ... U might be right for that. But the thing is that U really don't know me.

I make a lot of jokes, I made a lot of comments, I think loud on my thoughts, I never shut my mouth when I'm supposed to, but you know what is ok, cuz I'm not hidden my ass behind pretty words, empty thoughts and fake personality. I have been dumb by my so called "friends"... I have been back stabbed couple times, so the trust this days are just in the negative. For you to be my friend you have to earned , I will be your friend forever if you allowed, the good thing about my friendship is that u can tell me the deepest secret and tomorrow I will forgot what the hell you and me were talking... Is not that I don't pay attention... is just the ADD... So is up to you if you take it right or wrong, I won't be mad at you...

I thought I had a best friend, but i told you guys I lost that long time ago... well, I decided to open a little with this particular friend... and I made that connection. I made a connection I have never ever was able to make... I told my darkness and twisted secrets and never were judged. That gave me peace, I dont need a bunch of fake friends... I only need that best friend... U know who you are, and how much u mean in my life... "WE ARE THE DYNAMIC DUO" That I never heard, nobody have value my friendship before like you has done.

Thank You for your friendship, and for accepting my crazy ass!!! Oh yeah, I'm crazy for some people, hilarious for others and confusing for others... but only true friends will put that together and find me!!! I might be all that but I least I keep it real and will never leave a friend hanging. I will be there for u, i will cry with u, I will love you unconditional and I will never change my mind, I will tell you what you don't want to heard, I will not try to step you over, I will never look at you and think less, in MY EYES WE R ALL EQUALS! There is no differences, there is no color, race, age, nationality ... in my world is love, rush, and a lot of fun.

To my Dynamic Duo I dedicate this blog, to the next one I now say peace out.


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