Saturday, April 7, 2012

Don't let the outside define the inside

How many times we look at someone and just by the look we make assumptions and judge the character? How many of those assumptions are really true? Not many... You can see something from the outside, and our mind starts making accusations, start judging and start sending the wrong message.  Is not until we try it that we finally see what's inside.  That's how I go by every day of my life.  People look at me and they see something, or should I say, they think they saw something.  My outside display is not what my inside character is all about this days.  I love tattoos, I love piercings, I love hats, I love men's inside is not what those tastes are about.  I see tattoos as arts, while others might see it as "a way to pretend to be tough" or "related to gangsters"... I see "piercings as style and sexiness", others might think is just a rebel kid and no good path to follow.  I wear hats, and sometimes I wear men's clothes, it doesn't mean I THINK AS MYSELF AS A MAN.  I love been a girl, I love every part of myself.  I don't wear men's cologne, I don't think of myself as a macho man.  I just have a different style which make me comfortable everyday.  Inside I can't be anymore girly, because there is no more way to be as girly as I am.  I'm allllll girl, but the way I like to dress might say something else.  But you need to know me, that way you will really know who I am.  


People don't take the time, they just judge, you can see who I am from the outside, my inside is my world, my outside is just the shell.  I leave my inside expose to those who are not afraid to take a few more steps, open the door and stay to enjoy the real me everyday. 


I just don't like to expose everything to those who just want to be nosy.  My inside is for those who have the key of my heart and for those who want to stay for a long time.



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