"A helping word to one in trouble is often like a switch on a railroad track... an inch between wreck and smooth, rolling prosperity" -- Henry Ward I'm scared, we are all scared, if we are not scared we are not paying attention...
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Motherfuckers want to fight me, motherfuckers want to be all loud! I'm psycho, I go hard on you and your stupid ass friends. I'm not scared, I do me and you can only be nothing else. Motherfuckers want to find me, why? Because they want my life...U are all so cautious, me? I got in trouble all day long... I don't think U understand this, but noone knows what it means. Go so hard, u envy this...
I get in my zone and things don't go well for those who try to get in. I'm not thinking I'm just better, I'm telling you I am... I do my job so good that people think I have some type of coe for it, but all I do is be me all day long. I pour a glass of wine, smoke some Hooka and think about the consequences. I 'm not into anything that will altere myself or my mind.
What you hope to accomplish I already did, BITCH!!!
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